Branch: master

60b66b1f 2014-04-29 08:31:51 Michele Calgaro
Fixed typos in comments.
M ConfigureChecks.cmake
diff --git a/ConfigureChecks.cmake b/ConfigureChecks.cmake
index 96c7fea..6e35ca7 100644
--- a/ConfigureChecks.cmake
+++ b/ConfigureChecks.cmake
@@ -211,9 +211,9 @@
     tde_message_fatal( "xscreensaver is requested, but was not found on your system" )
   endif( )
-  # We don't really need the xscreensaver package for build, we only must know
-  # there xscreensaver stores its executables. So leave user the posibility
-  # to define XSCREENSAVER_DIR to so let the user.
+  # We don't really need the xscreensaver package for building, we only need to know
+  # where xscreensaver stores its executables. So give the user the possibility
+  # to define XSCREENSAVER_DIR and speficy the location manually.
   include( FindXscreensaver.cmake ) # not really good practise